Chimney with Smoke Emanating
Chimney with Smoke Emanating

Fire Statistics

Statistics relating to fire prevention, fire brigade activities, locations of fires, causes of fires and fire fatalities.

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Every year the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage produces statistics about fire and other emergency calls dealt with by local authority fire brigades during that year. The Department also produces the fire death statistics for the year. The statistics are based on information supplied by fire authorities and can be viewed at the bottom of the page.

Causes of Fires

Over the last five years (between 2019 and 2023), chimney fires were the leading cause of fires in homes in Ireland accounting for 37% of all fires where the cause was known. To minimise risk of chimney fires make sure to have your chimneys cleaned at least once a year and use a spark guard with open fires. Rubbish burning accounted for 15% of fires in homes, showing the importance of safely disposing of waste.

Fire Fatalities

Over the last five years, there have been 101 fatalities caused by fire. Here you can find tips and advice to help minimise the risk of fire and to keep you safe in the event of a fire.

59% of people who died in a fire between 2019 and 2023 were over the age of 65. If you have an elderly relative or neighbour, consider checking in with them to make sure that they have working smoke alarms and have an evacuation plan in place.

Of the known causes of fire which resulted in fatalities, 20% of them were related to smoking or smoking materials. To help minimise the risks of fire associated with smoking, follow this advice:

  • Never smoke in bed or when tired
  • Dispose carefully of cigarettes in an ashtray (never in a bin)
  • Do not smoke near flammable materials – furniture, bedding, and curtains can catch fire from the smallest spark
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